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Saturday, 31 July 2010

First inspection

View of the inside of the brood box
Did my first full inspection of Genesis yesterday - under the watchful but distant gaze of my wife and son. Very exciting doing it on my own with my own bees! They are very docile and placid - good!
Went well, I think I remembered everything I've been taught. Didn't see the Queen so still don't know if she is marked. Saw some eggs, larvae and sealed brood - not loads but I believe brood production is supposed to drop now as they prepare for winter and population begins to drop. 3-4 full frames of honey seen so they are busy building up their stores for winter. Plenty of bees on the comb and so difficult to see if there is much pollen. 2 empty frames at one end with just foundation on - guess they may have been put in late by the supplier to fill the brood box - will try moving those nearer the centre to see if they draw them. Will put a super on as it looks quite full in there: Not expecting to get any honey off this year but if they put store in there I will leave it on for them through the winter.
close up of bees on the frames

Bees have built some comb to bridge between frame and side of box

Wednesday, 28 July 2010


Went to apiary yesterday to remove the travel screen - was an easy job. The bees seemed very calm and few came out. Put the glass crownboard on. I noticed a few wasps around the hive entrance trying to get in si I removed the travel staples and replaced the floor with my mesh one. I was thus able to put in an entrance reducer to help them defend the hive more easily.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

The bees have arrived!

Genesis Hive

Yes, it has happened at last - I picked up my bees 2 days ago and installed them in my apiary. After years of wanting to, 1 year of planning to, 6 months of research and 4 months of training I am now officially a   beekeeper! A head full of knowledge and zero experience I now enter an unfamiliar world. Looking forward to learning how to work with these amazing creatures that God has created - very exciting.
A few of the girls venture out

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Still waiting!

Thought the bees might arrive this week. Last minute 'phone call from supplier saying they were currently sited within 3 miles of my out apiary and so I would have to wait another week or so while they move them to another apiary over 3 miles away and then I can install them in mine! Grrrr - they have had my address for weeks. Patience dear boy, patience.